some postgresql advice for rails programmers
postgresql has grown to the most beloved database in the rails community. so as more and more rails developers start using it the more common mistakes get made. today i want to give some general advice to follow when using postgresql in a rails app.
using redis to track and uniquify impressions with rails
as redis has become the number one contender for memcaches throne of key-value storage engines. it deserves a closer look why so many rails developers are flocking to it. redis has a set of commands and functions that enable endless possibilities to those creative enough to use them in a new way. today i want […]
high performance rails caching with redis and nginx
here at rapidrabbit we deliver many 1,000 requests per second. doing this while only using a handful of servers and ruby on rails we employ very clever caching using redis and nginx. once the cache is written, it is directly accessed by nginx via a module, which makes it around 500-2,000 times faster than any […]