By sarah on February 8, 2015
Back in October 2014 i had an interesting project. My task was to build a canvas facebook app for an existing web app called wishlist. My first thought was, how hard could it be? You just do what you do every day, coding a rails app. It could be very hard. I had some struggles with the sign in process and third party cookies. I want to tell you about it in this post. But first what is a canvas facebook app? A canvas app is an app who runs in facebook as an iframe. Not really 2015, i know, but iframes are not dead, yet, unfortunately.
Continue reading “Coding a Facebook canvas app in rails – my struggles”
Posted in javascript, rails | Tagged canvas app, facebook, rails |
By sarah on December 31, 2014
I learned a lot in 2014. I learned from failure and some great experiences. One of those great experiences was eurucamp 2014 (read about it here). The ruby community and people i met there are terrific. It was good for me to be with like-minded people who do a similar thing like me. I’ve never had this before.
Continue reading “What I’ve learned 2014″
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By sarah on September 29, 2014
In a recent project i have to cope with image upload, but using a gem like paperclip or carrierwave seemed overloaded to be. It is just a simple logo upload for companies. So i decided to upload the logo as blob described in this post.
But i had one problem: my uploading view is a popup. So i have to use javascript instead of html to proceed the form data. Therefore i made my form remotely.
Continue reading “uploading an image as blob with ajax and rails 4.0″
Posted in javascript, rails | Tagged ajax, rails 4 |
By sarah on August 18, 2014
Well, that was my first conference i’ve ever been. eurucamp 2014 in Potsdam, Germany. From 1st august to 3rd august. What should i say, it was amazing. eurucamp is not a usual conference, it’s more like a big family meeting with camping. Before the conference my expectations were really low, yeah you participate in a workshop, meet some people, listen to some talks, nothing special. But the atmosphere was so inspiring. I’ve been never at a place where so many like-minded people were. Now i think the community is very important for a developer/programmer.
Continue reading “eurucamp 2014 – my first conference”
Posted in about us, ruby | Tagged conferences |
By sarah on September 9, 2013
If you have In App Purchases in your iOS app, apple recommends to validate the purchase. There are to ways: first connecting the apple app store directly within your app, and second send a so called receipt to your own server and having your server perform the validation with the App Store server. I want to digg deeper in the latter one and show you my ruby solution. I was inspired by this gist and this little plugin.
Continue reading “verifying iOS store receipt on own server”
Posted in iOS, iphone, ruby | Tagged in app purchase, iOS, ruby |
By sarah on April 23, 2013
Recently i had to upgrade a rails 2 app to rails 3.2. It wasn’t as difficult as i thought first, but i struggled with one task: authentication. The old app used a very old, not anymore supported version of restful_authentication. Restful_authentication was the then standard plugin for authentication, but is now out-dated. So i decided to switch to devise, a very powerful and often used authentication gem.
To switch from restful_authentication to devise, you have to keep some things in mind. Here is my how-to:
Continue reading “How to upgrade a very old restful_authentication to devise”
Posted in rails | Tagged authentication, rails |
By phm on February 22, 2012
today i want to continue my little series about how to use redis as rails cache.
i will show you how to build a caching system that does not rely on cache invalidation and is able to constantly deliver up to date cached results.
Continue reading “periodic cache regeneration with rails redis and a spider”
Posted in caching with redis, databases, rails | Tagged caching, rails, redis, regneration, spider |
By phm on February 21, 2012
if none of the two terms in the title tell you anything, you have some serious reading todo.
first off learn and love coffeescript.
second of all get to know some javascript design patterns. why? because it helps you to write a lot better clearer code in a very weird language.
so my design pattern of choice is revealing module…obviously…as the title already spoiled ;)
how to implement it in coffescript?
Continue reading “revealing module pattern in coffeescript”
Posted in javascript, rails | Tagged coffeescript, javascript, rails |
By phm on February 16, 2012
in my last article about using redis as rails cache i used the redis ‘keys’ function to invalidate cache.
as my readers noted, and i experienced myself, this is not a good idea if you plan on storing a few million keys in your redis-db.
so today we’ll look at how to do this invalidation thing in a nicer and faster way
Continue reading “rails caching with redis – invalidation done right”
Posted in caching with redis, databases, rails, ruby | Tagged caching, invalidation, rails, redis |
By phm on January 14, 2012
postgresql has grown to the most beloved database in the rails community. so as more and more rails developers start using it the more common mistakes get made.
today i want to give some general advice to follow when using postgresql in a rails app.
Continue reading “some postgresql advice for rails programmers”
Posted in databases, rails | Tagged postgresql, rails |